Jon And Chantel

Choos ethe news 7/17/17

Seven Facts About the Voices Behind Your Favorite Disney Cartoons

Do you like KFC as much as KFC thinks you like KFC?  I guess this is the test.

They just launched a new online store at that sells all sorts of merchandise . . . plus one CRAZY item.

The store has products like socks with fried chicken drumsticks on them . . . lots of KFC t-shirts . . . a black string tie like Colonel Sanders wears . . . and a bunch of framed prints of KFC stores and food.

And . . . it also has an actual piece of METEORITE that’s carved to look like a chicken sandwich on sale for $20,000.  Yes, really.  But there’s only one of those available, so if you want it, you should get on that.


 E! News posted a list of 60 random facts about the VOICES behind a bunch of different Disney cartoons.  Here are seven we liked . . .

1.  Walt Disney was the voice of Mickey Mouse until 1946 when a guy named Jimmy MacDonald started doing it.  The official story was Walt just got too busy.  But rumor has it his voice was so damaged from SMOKING, he couldn’t do it anymore.

2.  The woman who voiced the evil stepmother in “Cinderella” also did the voice of Maleficent, the antagonist in “Sleeping Beauty”.  Eleanor Audley was the actress.

3.  When he was a kid, Tom Hanks used to wonder if his toys came to life when no one was there.  And it’s one of the main reasons he decided to play Woody in “Toy Story”.

4.  Tim Allen only played Buzz Lightyear in “Toy Story” after Chevy Chase passed.  It was also offered to Billy Crystal, who ended up playing Mike in “Monsters Inc.”.

5.  The song “Part of Your World” from “The Little Mermaid” was recorded in the DARK, because actress Jodi Bensonwanted it to feel more like she was underwater.  (???)

6.  Idina Menzel auditioned for the main role in “Tangled”, which went to Mandy Moore.  But the creators of “Frozen” saw the footage, and that’s why she played Elsa.

7.  Kathleen Turner was nine months pregnant when she did the voice of Jessica Rabbit in “Who Framed Roger Rabbit” . . . one of the hottest cartoons in history.


Panic! at the Disco Is Bigger Than the Beatles . . . on Spotify

  THE BEATLES might be the biggest rock band in history.  But for Spotify users, they’re just good enough to crack the top five.  At least according to a new rundown of the most-streamed rock bands in the U.S. RIGHT NOW.

Spotify just put out a list of the bands with the most plays in the last six months.  And the Beatles are #5, which is actually pretty impressive considering they broke up almost 50 years ago.  Here are the Top 10 . . .

1.  Twenty One Pilots

2.  Imagine Dragons

3.  Coldplay.  They also ranked #1 on a separate GLOBAL list Spotify put out.  Imagine Dragons were second on that list too.

4.  Panic! at the Disco

5.  The Beatles

6.  Fall Out Boy

7.  Red Hot Chili Peppers

8.  Linkin Park

9.  Blink-182

10.  Metallica.

KFC Launched an Online Store With Shirts, Socks . . . and a $20,000 Meteorite Carved to Look Like a Chicken Sandwich

Do you like KFC as much as KFC thinks you like KFC?  I guess this is the test.

They just launched a new online store at that sells all sorts of merchandise . . . plus one CRAZY item.

The store has products like socks with fried chicken drumsticks on them . . . lots of KFC t-shirts . . . a black string tie like Colonel Sanders wears . . . and a bunch of framed prints of KFC stores and food.

And . . . it also has an actual piece of METEORITE that’s carved to look like a chicken sandwich on sale for $20,000.  Yes, really.  But there’s only one of those available, so if you want it, you should get on that.


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