Jon And Chantel

Choose the news 5/1/18

These Five Habits Could Add More Than 10 Years to Your Life

The choices you make on a daily basis really do add up.  A new study looked at how people’s lifestyle choices affected their health over the course of more than 30 years.

And the researchers found that adopting five key habits can add more than 10 YEARS to your life.

None of them should be too surprising.  They’re all things we all know are good for us.  But the fact that they add THIS many years to your life might give you a little more motivation.  The five key habits are . . .

1.  Eat healthy.  So maybe don’t hit the drive-thru five times a week..

2.  Exercise regularly.  It doesn’t have to be a hardcore Crossfit routine or anything.  But it does have to be consistent.

3.  Maintain a healthy weight.  Which goes hand in hand with the first two.

4.  Don’t smoke.  Obviously.

5.  If you drink, limit yourself to MODERATE drinking.

In the study, men who did all five of those things upped their life expectancy by more than 12 years.  And women increased theirs by 14 years.

The Top Ten Superpowers We’d Want to Have


“Avengers: Infinity War” has dozens of superheroes with various powers.  So which superpower would YOU want?  A new survey asked 2,000 people to name ANY superpower they wish they could have.

And the most-popular choice was . . . INVISIBILITY.  (Really?  I mean, it would definitely make you harder to catch, and you could eavesdrop on people.  But is it really better than the rest of these?)  Here are the top 10 . . .

1.  Invisibility.

2.  Being able to fly.

3.  Time travel.

4.  Teleportation.

5.  Super healing abilities.  It’s not clear if that means just yourself, or other people too.

6.  The ability to communicate telepathically.

7.  Immortality.  Yeah, not dying is way down at #7.

8.  Super strength.

9.  Shapeshifting.

10.  Super intelligence.


Here Are the Five Worst People on a Plane and at a Hotel

Expedia just released the results of their annual survey on the WORST people we have to deal with on our vacations.

The five worst people to sit near on a PLANE are:

Someone who kicks your seat . . . someone who smells . . . inattentive parents . . . someone who violates your personal space . . . and someone who plays their music too loudly.

And the five worst people at a HOTEL are:

Inattentive parents . . . someone who throws loud parties in their rooms . . . someone who is constantly complaining to the staff . . . people who come in loudly from parties late at night . . . and someone who gets too drunk at the hotel bar.


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