Jon And Chantel

105 Random Acts of Kindness – Day 10

Today is…

Inconvenience Yourself Day
Bar Tender Day
Trading Card Day
National Tortilla Chip Day

Inconvenience Yourself Day is not merely about inconveniencing oneself, it is about acknowledging others, putting them first, and having a positive effect on their lives. The day helps people become more attentive to others, and realize how their actions impact them. It’s about giving oneself some inconvenience, so the day will be less inconvenient for others. It was started by Julie Thompson of the Environmental Resources Network in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

First, you may want to reflect on what others need and what you can do to help.

The day should then be spent acting.

Here are a few examples of ways you can inconvenience yourself to help others today:

  • Be there for others emotionally. If anyone wants to talk, stop what you are doing and give them your full attention.
  • Show kindness to strangers. Inconvenience yourself by letting others in front of you at a store, or hold a door open for them. Allow others to merge ahead of you when you are driving. Park farther away in a parking lot, and leave the closer spaces for others.
  • Show kindness to a neighbor or friend. Shovel their driveway or mow their lawn. Let someone else have the last piece of pizza.
  • If you are teaching someone how to do something, take extra time to explain things in detail.
  • If you have children, make time for them to make them feel appreciated. Put aside other things and give your children your sole focus.

For Bar Tender Day? Give your local bar tender some extra tip money!

Trading Card Day? Find that friend who you can trade with!

National Tortilla Chip Day? Make some homemade tortilla chips for an old friend – Here’s the recipe

Go out of your way to be kind and or to do something for someone else today. 

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