Everybody has heard the news by now that Ariana Grande is apparently engaged to her SNL boyfriend Pete Davidson. They haven’t made any sort of official announcement yet, but looking at Ariana’s latest tweets to her fans, she basically has indirectly confirmed it.
Fans have been tweeting her like crazy, and in true Ariana fashion, she is answering them. One fan tweeted her, “I hope he knows he is marrying us as well”. Ariana replied with, “HAHAHA he’s been briefed”.
Another tweet was from a fan telling Ariana, “I will always love you more” and then calling her “Mrs. Davidson.” While she could have just ignored it, she replied to that one as well, saying “crying”.
I hope he knows he is maRRYING US AS WELL
— caroline💡 (@xsweetdrops) June 12, 2018
— Ariana Grande (@ArianaGrande) June 12, 2018