
James Cameron Says COVID-19 Won’t Affect Avatar 2

James Cameron Feels Positive COVID-19 Won’t Affect Avatar 2 Release.

Over the past few months, COVID-19 has affected a lot of Hollywood movie release dates, but director James Cameron says that won’t be the case with the planned December 2021 release date of Avatar 2.

Cameron has been filming the second and third installments of the story for the past few years and has confessed that COVID-19 has brought about issues with filming, but it shouldn’t affect the release date at all.

Before shut down orders were brought down across the country filming was about to begin in New Zealand, but thanks to the country’s swift response to the pandemic, the crew may be able to get back to work sooner rather than later.  “We’re trying to get back to it as quickly as we can,” Cameron admitted in an interview. The scheduled release date for Avatar 2 is December 17, 2021.

Do you think it’s been too long between the first and second film?

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