
My Husband Says I Taught Our Daughter the Wrong Way to Brush Her Teeth

Everyone does things a little differently, but does it really make that much of a difference? Is it worth fighting about?

This is probably the dumbest argument my husband and I have ever gotten into . . . especially since we rarely fight.

Our daughter is learning how to brush her teeth, so I taught her to wet the toothbrush . . . put the toothpaste on . . . wet it again, then brush.

But when my husband saw, he couldn’t BELIEVE I was having her wet the toothbrush AGAIN after putting on the toothpaste.

I asked what difference it makes, and he said it’s the “wrong” way to do it, and we need to teach our daughter the right way.

Who’s right . . . me or my husband? At least we agree on which way to place the toilet paper roll on the dispenser.

Holly, 41

This might be the dumbest argument ever, but we’re sure others fight about stuff like this too. So who’s right?

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