
Reese Witherspoon Is Shocked As Miley Cyrus Reveals Big Little Lies Home Is Same As Hannah Montana’s

Reese Witherspoon was a guest on Miley Cyrus’ YouTube series, “Bright Minded”.

Miley revealed that Reese’s character on Big Little Lies, Madeline Martha Mackenzie and Hannah Montana lived in the same house.  “I don’t know if you knew that Madeline Martha Mackenzie and Hannah Montana lived in the same house, maybe even at the same time. So there might be a plot twist here that you actually had a roommate — that you lived with Hannah Montana,” Miley said. Reese was shocked to hear the news saying that she knew she knew the house from somewhere. So who knows, maybe Miley will make a guest appearance on Big Little Lies soon.

How shocked are you to find out the house in Big Little Lies is also Hannah Montana’s house?

Check out the full interview here. 

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