Jon And Chantel

Stop Scrolling!

Does anyone ever say, “Man, I was in a bad mood, but then I went on social media, and suddenly I was showered in joy”?

A new study has found that people are significantly more likely to feel irritable, angry, and annoyed . . . the more they consume social media.

Harvard Medical School collected data on how often adults 18 and older use Instagram, TikTok, X, and Facebook.  Then, they compared people’s social media use to how they scored on various mood tests.

Those who said they used social media “most of the day” scored three times higher on the irritability scale than those who said they never used social media.

To be clear, the study didn’t prove causality.  So, social media makes people irritable . . . OR irritable people just use social media a lot.

But the researchers say past research “really points in the direction of [social media having an impact on] externalizing emotions like anger and irritability.”

It’s possible to have a more positive experience . . . the key is to avoid overindulging.  But experts do note that, quote, “If you truly are spending most of the day on social media, there are probably more beneficial things you can be doing with your time.”

Instead, listen to a Jon & Chantel podcast!


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