
Teaching My Parents to Internet

There’s a generation gap as wide as the grand canyon between me and my parents, as far as technology goes. To say they aren’t familiar with the internet is an understatement. They don’t own a computer, and my mom still thinks that faxing is a thing.

I want to be able to log on and see pictures of the family, their grandchildren and cousins, and friends across the country. We all keep our photos online now, and rarely send pictures in the mail.

So when I went to visit them last week, and I decided I would try to teach them. I got them a tablet a few months ago, and it’s just been collecting dust. Part of the problem is they don’t have internet. We remedied that, and I sat down to teach them about the basics, email, facebook, googling, etc.

What you’re about to see is approximately 2 days worth of lessons edited down to 1.5 minutes:

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