
The 10 Best Celebrity #PuberMe Photos!

You’ve surely noticed that Celebrities are filling up your feed with amazing throwback photos.

The hashtag #PuberMe is trending, and the reason for all these wonderfully awkward puberty pics? Hurricane Relief! Each #PuberMe pic posted equals $1000 donation to hurricane relief in Puerto Rico.

Nick Kroll started the hashtag with Stephen Colbert, then they challenged their celebrity friends to post their best awkward puberty photos!

We combed through them and found the 10 most awkward.

#10 – Aisha Tyler

It looks like Aisha’s in the foreground, and the other kids are in the background… but no, she’s just huge. At least she had sweet dance moves.

#9 – The Backstreet Boys

Dad jeans errrywhere! The oversized shirts, the horrible patterns… each one of them a shining example of awful hair. Why is Nick in a stroller? Why are AJ and Howie framing him like he’s their child? Why does Kevin look older in this picture than he is today?

Remember home video? #PuberMe #PuertoRicoRelief

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#8 – Bridget Everett

Ahh, the missing front tooth… The majority of us went with a close-lipped smile during that trying time of accidental spitting and whistling; But not Bridget; Bridget rocked it.

Here you go, @nickkroll. The #puberme years. Shirt by #izod, hair by #bridget #puertoricorelief

A post shared by Bridget Everett (@bridgeteverett) on

#7 – Kumail Nanjiani

The poofy hair parted in the middle, and that so, so sad attempt at a mustache…

#6 – Stephen Colbert

Don’t stress mini Stephen, those braces will do their job, and one day you’ll grow into your suit… and your ears… and smile…

#5 – Ryan Seacrest

Giant grandma glasses, braces, big wavy hair – the 80’s trifecta.


#4 – Melissa Rauch

Believe it or not kids, this was the height of fashion. Puff those bangs up, the bigger the better, same goes for the shoulders and the skirt. While you’re at it, put a massive bow in your hair. Let’s top that off with tights that make it look like your legs have never seen the sun. Magnificent.

#3 – Alison Brie

Dancing in your oversized jammies, rocking your headgear and some demon level redeye… it’s too much.

#2 – Amy Schumer

What is happening here? Amy and her shirtless brother posing eyes closed and smile-free in front of several 90210 magazine cut outs. We’re confused about a lot here, except the awkwardness, that is very apparent.

#1 – Clark Gregg

Agent Coulson? Is that you? Why are you leaning on the curtains? Why is that bowtie so big? Who chose this outfit!? Why is your hair plastered to your forehead!? So many questions!

Honorable Mentions:

Nick Kroll

He may have started the hashtag, but we say he’s more cute than awkward here:

Conan O’Brien

Sure this is awkward, but nothing’s changed. He’s still this awkward.

Jessica Simpson

Teased bangs… a 90’s classic. We’re also digging the puffy pink coat, and the giant glasses! But Jessica, you’re still cute as a button.

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