If you happened to have a few extra thousand dollars laying around, now is your chance to own a piece of space history. Christie’s Auction House is running a 2 week long auction called “Deep Impact: Martian, Lunar, and Other rare Meteorites.” The auction includes over 60 pieces of space rock that once hurtled towards earth. Some pieces in the collection have a low price tag of $800 while others are expected to get $200,000.
Here are some of our favorite pieces:
- Chassigny Fragment From Mars -The Holy Grail of Martian Meteorite
- Cost: ~ $7,000
- Formed in a magma chamber beneath Mars surface
- Fell morning of October 3rd, 1815 in Chassigny France
- Talampaya -Partial slice of Rare Patagonian Eucrite
- Cost: ~$1000
- Found by a rock climber in Patagonia, Argentina
- Has know origin from the asteroid Vesta
- Main section of meteorite on display at New York American Museum of Natural History
- Zhamanshin Impact Glass – When An Asteroid Strikes Earth
- Cost: ~$600
- Not a meteorite but created by high pressure impact of earth soil
- Impact of Zhamanshin Meteorite happened 900,000 years ago
There are so many more options in the collection! Check out all of the available auction items on Christie’s Auction website
Source: James Hyslop of Christie’s Auction House (https://www.christies.com/?lid=1&sc_lang=en)