
What’s the Most Popular Gatorade Flavor?

If you drink Gatorade, you probably have a favorite flavor.  But is it AMERICA’S favorite flavor?


Someone at Gatorade recently shared an internal sales memo revealing the FIVE most popular flavors in the U.S.  Here they are in order . . .


1.  Cool Blue.  According to the memo, we buy it more than any other flavor.


2.  Fruit Punch.  That’s the red one.


3.  Lemon-Lime, the yellow one.  It’s one of their original flavors from 1965.


4.  Glacier Freeze.  It’s light blue, and the only non-standard flavor on the list.  It’s one of their “Gatorade Frost” spinoffs they’ve been selling since the late ’90s.


5.  Orange, their other original flavor.  Lemon-Lime and Orange were the only ones they had for almost 20 years until Fruit Punch came along in 1983.

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