
You Probably Can’t Tell When Your Kids Are Lying

As a parent, I’m not sure I believe this! Or at least, I really don’t want to believe it, which is the actual problem, read:

A new study found that parents pretty much no idea when their kids are lying and when they’re telling the truth.

The researchers had parents watch videos of their kid either telling a lie or telling the truth, and they found that the parents could only predict if their kid was lying or not slightly over half the time.

In other words, you might as well just flip a coin to decide whether your kid is being honest with you.

And that’s the problem, we really want them to be honest. The parents were far more likely to guess that their kids were telling the truth even though half the videos showed kids lying. We only hear what we want to!

Right now my kids are terrible liars, but they’re still little. I’m going to have to find their tells now, before it’s too late! #dadlife

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