
Choose the news 02/07/18

Hot Cheetos Ice Cream

Drill’d Ice Cream Mix Masters, in Orange County, California, is selling Hot Cheetos-infused ice cream. The shop mixed Hot Flamin’ Cheetos with vanilla ice cream to create their new flavor. Owner Steve Kim says; “I tried it for the first time, and my taste buds were just so confused in a very good way.



Fast Food Joints Actually Have Way Less Bacteria Than Fancy Restaurants

  You’d probably assume that the place serving cheap roast beef sandwiches covered in a mysterious substance called “Arby’s Sauce” would be a GROSSER place to eat than a five-star restaurant serving foods you can’t pronounce.

And you would be wrong.

A company called Restaurantware just ran a study where they swabbed a bunch of fast food joints and fancy restaurants and tested those swabs for bacteria.  And, yep, the fast food spots were WAY, WAY less infested with germs.

They only found an average of around 60,000 traces of bacteria at fast food restaurants, and almost all of them were in the bathrooms.

Meanwhile, they found over eight MILLION at the five-star restaurants . . . and those germs weren’t just in the bathrooms.  Half of them were on the condiments, and about 7% were in the water that was served.

But . . . that’s not close to as bad as the place you eat most often:  Your OWN HOUSE.  They found that you’ve got about 23 million traces of bacteria, split evenly between your bathroom, your condiments, and your water.

On the bright side, almost all of the bacteria they found is basically harmless.  But still, if any harmful ones slip in, it sure seems like that’s least likely to happen if you’re eating fast food.  So I guess that makes it . . . healthy?

Best Buy will stop selling CDs

Best Buy is abandoning the humble CD and will no longer sell them in its stores starting on July 1st, 2018, reports BillboardThe move comes as CD sales continue to decline; revenue from digital music downloads eclipsed it back in 2014.

Target, on the other hand, says it will only sell music CDs under a consignment basis, shifting inventory risk back to the labels. That means Target would only pay labels for CDs when customers buy them, rather than buying the CDs in bulk and paying for shipments of unsold CDs back to the label for credit.

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