
He Said, She Said Survey

What’s the proper etiquette when it comes to asking out a stranger?

I went grocery shopping with my 80-year-old grandmother yesterday, and we were in line to pay when some guy randomly started talking to me.

I was polite, but I had a lot of stuff to get done, so I tried to cut the conversation short. Also, I was with my GRANDMOTHER.

But the line was really long, and the guy wouldn’t stop . . . until he asked me out on a DATE. He didn’t even know my name. He knew nothing about me except for what I look like.

Not only that, but I have a boyfriend. So I had to shoot this guy down in front of about five other customers, and my 80-year-old grandmother. It was incredibly awkward.

Should men NOT hit on women when they’re with their family members?

Melanie, 27

Ladies, would you be annoyed if a guy hit on you in front of your family? Guys would you ever ask out a stranger in front of her family?

Take the survey:

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