Jon And Chantel

Spotify Now Making Unique Playlists for Your Pets

If you’re one of those people who can’t stand to leave your pets alone, Spotify has your back.  Because you can now create a playlist tailored to the specific needs of your dog, cat, bird, hamster… or IGUANA!

You just select your pet’s species, then answer some questions about his or her personality.  Is it relaxed or energetic?  Shy or friendly?  Apathetic or curious?

Once you’re done, Spotify gives you a playlist that your pet will supposedly love.

For example, I have a very shy, apathetic dog name Hoodoo. Spotify took my dog’s traits and my personal music taste into account and built a really relaxed indie/pop playlist. 


You can get your pet’s playlist here!

This is a brilliant campaign by Spotify, but my favorite part is the commercial. Check it out below: 


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