
Stupid Is, Stupid Does

Massachusetts Woman is Spending $2,500 Prosthetic Leg for her Chicken

A hen owned by a Massachusetts woman who specializes in chicken rehabilitation and rescue is getting fitted with a prosthetic leg Wednesday at Tufts University’s Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine. Andrea Martin, of Clinton, tells The Telegram & Gazette she is paying for the $2,500 operation out of her own pocket. She says the alternative is euthanization. The chicken, named Cecily, was born with a damaged tendon in the leg that makes it useless. The surgery will begin when Emi Knafo, a specialist in avian orthopedics, will amputate Cecily’s right leg. After a 10- to 14-day recovery period, the prosthetic, made on a 3-D printer, will be fitted. Similar surgery has been performed on a rooster and duck, though not at Tufts. Get more here.

A Woman Got Suspicious When Her Boyfriend Kept Calling to Check in, Turns Out He Was Breaking Into Her Mom’s House

A 19-year-old named Chelsea Sams was at a pool party with her family in Florida on Saturday. And she kept getting phone calls from her boyfriend, 23-year-old Michael Land. But apparently Michael isn’t a very attentive boyfriend, so the repeated phone calls just made them all suspicious. In other words, he doesn’t normally call just to see how Chelsea’s doing. So the mom decided to leave the party, and make sure Michael wasn’t up to something. And it turned out she wasn’t being paranoid, he was robbing their house. He was gone by the time she got there, but $1,300 was missing from her closet. Luckily she could prove he’d been there, because a neighbor saw him walk out of the house, and started talking to him, because she had lent him $5 at some point, and he’d never paid it back. Yeah, he was also borrowing money from his girlfriend’s neighbors. What a guy. He’s charged with residential burglary and grand theft. It’s not clear if the mom got her money back or not. Get more here.



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