
Stupid Is, Stupid Does

businessman grasped in hostages.

A Man Tries to Steal 26,000 Pounds of Cheese; the “Cheese Mafia” May Be Behind It

48-year-old Patrick Westcott is an employee at a cheese shop in Saint-Guillaume, Quebec. Last week, he tried to steal about 26,500 pounds of cheese. That’s about $150,000 worth of cheese. He drove up in a semi truck, loaded 20 pallets of cheddar and mozzarella, and tried to drive off with a lifetime’s worth of cheese. Fortunately, the police caught him and arrested him. So how does the Cheese Mafia factor in? A guy named Yan Jodoin owns a different cheese shop in Quebec, and he’s pretty sure the Cheese Mafia is trying to control the flow of cheese in the province and beyond. He says they were trying to put the store out of business because competition in the cheese world is so fierce, people will go to extreme lengths to eliminate each other. The police haven’t determined if Patrick was working with the Cheese Mafia, or if he just wanted 26,500 pounds of cheese for himself. Get the full story here.

Man Shined Laser Pointer at Police Helicopter Three Times

Michael Valle Pavo, 18, was arrested Thursday on charges including misuse of a laser lighting device, criminal mischief and 17 counts of fraudulent possession of personal identification and credit card forgery, Miami-Dade Police said. Police said the incident happened in the sky over West Miami-Dade Wednesday night. “One of our pilots was handling a mission when he was struck by a laser,” said Sgt. Chris Robaina, with Miami-Dade Police Aviation. Police said it was Pavo who was driving his vehicle eastbound on Bird Road near the Florida’s Turnpike when he flashed the pilot three separate times. The officer was able to spot Pavo’s vehicle and called ground units. The police report said Valle told officers “I did it one time and I didn’t think it would go that far.” Get the full story here.



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