Jon has lice in his arm hair and Jackson can’t stay off his phone.
All this, plus Keala Settle the Bearded Lady from “The Greatest Showman” has breaking news.
Listen to “Wash Your Thumbs” on Spreaker.
Jackson Carter: Trash Monster
We tracked how much time we spent on our phones yesterday using the Moment app. Jackson won BY A LANDSLIDE. It wasn’t even close.
Wanna track your time? Check out the app here.
Jackson’s True Crime Podcast Obsession
Jackson said one of the reasons he used his phone so much was because he was listening to a new true crime podcast. It’s called Atlanta Monster and it’s GREAT. If you’re into that sort of thing, check it out.
Interview With The Bearded Lady Keala Settle
Listen to “The Greatest Showman’s Keala Settle” on Spreaker.
According to Puppies, The Patriots Will Win the Superbowl