
What to Do if a Service Dog Approaches You

We’ve been told repeatedly to ignore service dogs while they’re working. But what if they’re alone? 

Twitter user Melissa Hope posted a viral PSA on her feed detailing the story of a service dog handler. The person had tripped and lost control of their dog. They got up, dusted themselves off, and went looking for him. 

It sounds a little suspicious that a service dog would run off, right? With reports of fraudulent service dog vests being sold online and abused in public, was this another case of a regular pet running wild? 

NO! The handler had been diagnosed with Epilepsy and the dog was trained to find the nearest adult for help in case of a seizure. Which is the cutest thing in the entire world. I love a dog with a job.

Unfortunately, when the handler finally tracked the dog down, he was being swatted away by an annoyed-looking woman. 

Here’s how you can help: if an unattended service dog walks up to you, get up, follow them, and get read to dial 911. It’s possibly a false alarm like the one in the story, but it’s always good to be prepared. 


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