
Join Chantel at SLC Crossfit

It’s Strong Girl Summer! Well, that’s what I’m calling it anyway. I was tired of not being my strongest self – I’ve worked so hard on my mental strength but it was time to grow with my physical strength in 2022.

We have all heard about Crossfit, and to be honest, it sounds intimidating. Mega Athletes with big weights who live for the gym. And I’m just a normal, Average health, mom, non-gym goer – but it was recommended I try Crossfit to achieve my goals. So, I went to SLC Crossfit and my entire mindset on Crossfit is completely changed. I LOVE IT.

Myth “You must be strong to do Crossfit” – BUSTED: Crossfit is all about personal limits, You can workout with as little or as much weight as comfortable for your body.

If you want to get healthy JOIN me and SLC Crossfit! I signed up for their 12 week Program to start with a personal trainer, nutritian coach and unlimited classes. Drop in’s, Monthly Gym Membership and more are available

Click here to get Fit Now!

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