Jon And Chantel

Choose the news 10/16/18

Personal Trainer Gets Overweight Client Banned From Fast Food Restaurants

Fox News claims Darren “Dibsy” McClintock’s personal trainer has banned him from all of his favorite fast food restaurants in London. Mike Hind brought flyers to all of Darren’s favorite fast food locations that read; “Save Dibsy. Obesity is killing him. Do not serve this man.” Hind began training Dibsy for free after hearing about his weight struggle. He estimates that it will take a year for him to reach a healthy weight.


Free Taco Bell Tacos

Chew Boom claims Taco Bell is bringing back their “Steal a Base, Steal a Taco” promotion for the World Series. The restaurant chain will offer a free taco after the first player successfully steals a base during the series. Participating Taco Bells will offer the free food on November 1st between 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. local time

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