Jon And Chantel

Choose the news 5/11/18

Five Reasons You Should Always Take a Lunch Break

It can be tempting to just eat lunch at your desk, especially if you’re behind on work . . . or God forbid, you actually LIKE your job.  But here are five reasons you should think about stepping away and eating somewhere else more often . . .

1.  It helps you concentrate.  Too much exposure to the same type of stimulus . . . like a computer screen . . . makes your brain get used to what it’s seeing.  So you’re more likely to overlook important details.  Even a short break can help.

2.  It protects your eyesight.  Staring at a screen too long makes you blink less, which can dry your eyes out.  And staring at something that close to you all day can cause eye strain.  Which is why you’re supposed to remember the 20-20-20 rule.  Every 20 minutes, look up from your screen, and stare at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds.

3.  It might help you sleep better.  One study found that even just a 15-minute break helps, because your eyes need time away from the blue light your computer screen gives off.

4.  It can help you slim down.  A study at the University of Colorado found people who eat at their desk have an average waistline that’s more than one inch bigger than people who aren’t chained to their desk all day.

5.  It improves your mood.  A study in England found people who take lunch breaks have a 30% lower risk of depression.  Partly because you’re more likely to go outside and get a little sunlight.  

New Parenting Advice: Ask Your Baby For Permission Before You Change Their Diaper?


I think it’s not just good but important to teach kids about CONSENT.  But is this taking that idea TOO FAR?

There’s an organization in Australia that works on teaching children about consent.  And a representative from that group was just on TV in Australia and she said people should ask their baby for permission before they CHANGE THEIR DIAPER.

Now . . . I’m not sure how that works before the kid can talk, or before they really understand the concept of “yes” and “no” . . . but she says that’s not the point.

Quote, “Of course a baby’s not going to respond, ‘Yes mom, that’s awesome, I’d love to have my [diaper] changed.’  But if you leave a space and wait for body language and eye contact, then you’re letting that child know their response matters.”

Se’s gotten a lot of heat on social media from people who think that advice is ridiculous, but she says she just wants to get out the message to children about their rights, and if it can help prevent a child from being abused, it’s worth it.


Woman Arrested For Bad Singing

Oddity Central claims a woman from Norwich, England was banned from singing in her apartment because she sounds like a ‘drowning cat’. Heather Webb’s neighbors have spent the last four years filing complaints and police reports about her singing. A judge finally banned her from singing after a neighbor recorded her and submitted his tape to the court. Heather was arrested for breaching the judge’s order. She did not receive any jail time.



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