
105 Days of Love- Ashley’s Blood Drive

This morning, we had Ashley in studio to talk about her upcoming blood drive!

Here was the email that Ashley sent:

I wanted to do something special to celebrate my 30th birthday in April. I’ve always wanted to donate blood, but have never been able to because I lived in England during the Mad Cow Disease outbreak. My husband is on blood thinners for life and can’t donate either, but he’s received a blood transfusion himself after a car accident, so it’s hard knowing it’s not something I can do for someone else. So, in honor of my 30th birthday I’m hosting a blood drive with the American Red Cross on Saturday April 27th from 9-2 at Bonneville Academy in Stansbury Park, and my goal is to get 30 people signed up to donate blood! So far I have 12 people signed up. I wanted to do something special for the people who come to donate to say thanks for celebrating with me and for saving lives!


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Bonneville Academy

800 Montauk Lane
Stansbury Park, UT 84074

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