
105 Days Of Love – Random Acts Of Kindness: Week 1

Happy 105 Days of Love everyone!

Random Acts of Kindness: Week 1 (#1 – #7)

It’s our 4th annual 105 Days of Love and we want to keep up our tradition of spreading the love. We’ve teamed up with our friends at Mark Miller Subaru for the next 105 days we’ll be committing random acts of kindness and we courage you to join us! Are you stuck on what to do for 105 days? Don’t worry! We’ve got you! Each week we’ll be posting 7 random acts of kindness you can do for your loved ones, a stranger, yourself, and for the environment.

Here are your first 7 for this week!

#1 – Holding the door.
Showing you care and just one quick random act of kindness is as easy as holding the door or even an elevator for someone.



#2 – Help your neighbor with a chore.
This can be anything at all. Maybe you see that your neighbor forgot to put their trash can out on trash day or they aren’t home yet and theirs is the only one on the street. Help them out.



#3. Learn something new about one of your coworkers.
Maybe you have a new coworker in the office or there is just that one person that seems a little shy. Take a minute to find out something new about them. You just might be surprised and have something in common.



#4. Shop Local – Leave a good review.
Instead of shopping at the big retailer stores, try out some new local shops in town. You’ll probably end up loving it and it’ll be your new go to spot. Also, as a bonus, leave them a nice review online to show them some love. This will help them grow their business.



#5. Leave love notes.
Take a minute to write a supportive and inspirational quote on a post-it note and leave it for someone to find. OR leave a little note for yourself too. Because you should always hype yourself up.



#6. Read to people living in nursing homes.
If you ever have an hour or two to spare in your day, stop by your local nursing home and pay a stranger a visit. They could use the company.



#7. Leave extra quarters or detergent at the Laundromat.
If you use a laundromat if you have a few extra quarters to spare or if you have some extra detergent left over, leave them behind or ask if someone could use it. You just might really help someone in need.


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