Today Kierstyn from the Relationship Recovery joins Jon as guest co-host, bringing her fun and unique perspective to the show.
On Jon & Chantel’s Hot Topic, the two delve into the topic of humor and whether people can still take a joke in today’s world.
But that’s not all – brace yourself for an unprecedented twist in our 2nd Date Update segment, leaving everyone astonished.
And everyone’s favorite day- Confession Wednesday, where we’ll be listening to your juiciest secrets. There’s never been a better time to start listening!
Listen to “Can’t You Take a Joke?” on Spreaker.
Jon & Chantel’s Radio Podcast is your daily dose of fun and entertainment. Your podcast shouldn’t give you anxiety! Let Jon and Chantel make you laugh, share their life stories, and give you the trending topics of the day.
Don’t miss Jon & Chantel! Catch another episode here.