
Wouldn’t You, Barracuda? | Morning Show Podcast With Extras

Jon can’t stop watching the Kardashians, don’t be alarmed if you see Justin counting plane seats on your next flight, and Jackson gets a very peculiar pet.

All this, plus Jackson reviews “The Greatest Showman.”

Listen to “Wouldn’t you, Barracuda?” on Spreaker.

Justin’s Stupid Elk Shirt
This was one of the most heated topics on the show. Here’s JT’s elk shirt. What do you think?


P!nk’s Lozenge 
P!nk powered through the flu to perform the national anthem last night, but she had to pause briefly before to spit out a


Jackson’s Podcast
Jackson also hosts a mental health/advice podcast called Get Yourself Together. Check out the new episode today. (Warning: Curse words)



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