Last week on The All Text Night Show Bangarang did a topic asking listeners to finish the sentence “You know you’re from Utah if….” here are the top 10 best comments from that listeners gave.
10.You know you’re from Utah if you know what the word “sluff” means.
9.You know you’re from Utah if your name is McKenzie, McKell, McKenna, Kenzie, Kensley or any variation of those!
8.You know you’re from Utah if you have more than 5 vowels in your name.
7.You know you’re from Utah if you say mountain all wrong. We make the t silent. So mountain
6.U know u are in Utah when u can have all three seasons in one day
5.If you meet one month, get engaged the next month and married the month after!
4.You know you’re from Utah if……… the Shane Co. building is on the corner of state street and 7200 South. Open weekdays till 8, Saturday till 5, CLOSED ON SUNDAYS.
3.When you know the town Hurricane is pronounced “Hurricun”.
2.You know you’re from Utah if you have AT LEAST two babies in the backseat.
1.You know you’re from Utah if it’s normal to call green jello mixed with carrots and whipped cream a salad.
Did I miss any?? Let me know!