
Bob Saget’s Bittersweet Final Podcast

The final episode of Bob Saget’s podcast “Bob Saget’s Here For You” was released this week, and makes us miss him even more.  The podcast opens with Bill Burr, one of Bob’s Fellow comedian friends giving an intro in which he said. “I absolutely love the guy and am in shock that he’s no longer with us, but I am just so thankful to have met him, to have known him, “He just was the greatest guy ever.”

Bob had on comic Margaret Cho, and they discussed how much they both love doing stand up.  “I didn’t know I was going to love stand-up as much as I love it,” he said. “I haven’t loved it this much since I started, I think.”

View the podcast below:


Will you listen to his final podcast? Do you ever listen to a podcast just to hear someone you miss?

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