
Daft Punk Announces Breakup After 28 Years

Daft Punk
Daft Punk | Shutterstock

French Electronic Duo Daft Punk Ends 28-Year Collaboration

Daft Punk, the legendary French electronic music duo, announced their split through a dramatic YouTube video titled “Epilogue.” The video features a poignant moment where one member explodes while the other walks away, symbolizing the end of their collaborative journey.

Rise to Stardom

Formed in 1993, Daft Punk quickly rose to international fame, renowned for their vibrant dance tracks and distinctive public appearances in robot attire. They produced several hits that became anthems in the electronic music scene, including “One More Time” and “Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger.”

“Get Lucky” No More: Daft Punk’s Last Roll of the Dice

Their 2013 album, Random Access Memories, was a critical and commercial success, highlighted by the popular track “Get Lucky.” The album earned them a Grammy and marked their final major release, closing the curtain on a groundbreaking era in electronic music.

Official Confirmation

Their longtime publicist, Kathryn Frazier, owner of Biz 3, confirmed the decision to part ways in a statement to ABC News.

The duo’s music has left a lasting impact on the landscape of electronic music, influencing artists and fans alike across the globe.

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