A Woman Is So Upset at a Grocery Store She Drives Inside and Up and Down the Aisles
We’ve heard of people ramming their cars into the front of a store because they were upset. We’ve never seen someone do this. 43-year-old Noella Fay went to a Safeway grocery store in Springfield, Oregon on Tuesday afternoon, and she tried to buy $2,200 worth of gift cards with a check. The check didn’t clear, so they wouldn’t sell her the gift cards, and she left. We don’t know why she wanted to buy $2,200 in gift cards with a bad check, but it feels like it has SCAM written all over it, right? But Noella was SO angry she drove back to the store eight hours later, plowed through the front doors, drove down an aisle to the back, flipped the car around, drove back down a different aisle, went out the doors, and sped away. There were six people in the store at the time and fortunately nobody was hurt. The cops found the car abandoned about a mile away, but they were able to trace it to Noella and they arrested her at her home for reckless endangering, hit-and-run, reckless driving, and criminal mischief. Get more here.