
Stupid Is, Stupid Does

A Lot of Gullible Utahns Thought There was a Dead Whale in a Farmington Field

A satirical “news” site, World News Daily Report, wrote a story about a reported mysterious whale found in a Utah field over the weekend. Authorities ran into trouble when the fake report mentioned the Farmington City Police were called to investigate. Officials said dispatch was flooded with phone calls about the sea creature.  Just to be clear, there is no whale in Farmington. Get the full story here.

Walgreens Sold Hanukkah Wrapping Paper… Covered in Swastikas

A California woman was outraged when she found what appeared to be swastikas adorning Hanukkah gift wrap at a local Walgreens. Swastikas are clearly visible inlaid within the design. A check of another nearby Walgreens found the same Nazi-themed gift wrap. Walgreens told NBC LA they were looking into the offensive gift wrap. “I’m still very upset about it, that something like this could be on the market,” Shapiro said. Get the full story here.


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