
Stupid Is, Stupid Does

A Guy Wearing a Shirt That Says “I Have Drugs” Is Arrested . . . For Having Drugs

A 50-year-old guy in Florida was wearing a shirt on Monday that said, quote, “Who needs drugs?  No, seriously, I have drugs.”  And it was true.  He took some marijuana and meth to a Kmart . . . a cop saw him trying to pass a bag to someone . . . and he was arrested for possession. Get the full story here.

Two Walmart Shoplifters Fail to Mention They Left Their Kids Locked in the Car . . . and They’re Stuck For Seven Hours

A 30-year-old woman and her 24-year-old boyfriend went to a Walmart in Florida on Monday night, and got busted for shoplifting . . . but they’d left their three kids locked in the car, and didn’t mention it to the cops.  A Walmart employee saw them seven hours later, so now the couple is facing felony theft AND child neglect charges. Get the full story here.

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