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Devistating 7.8 Magnitude Earthquake Hits Nepal

A 7.8 magnitude earthquake hit Nepal early Saturday morning leaving many dead, injured, and lost. The New York Times reports at least 3,800 people have died. That number is expected to rise. The massive tremor was the most powerful quake to hit this South Asian country in more than eighty years. Powerful aftershocks — some as strong as 6.7 in magnitude — have hampered recovery efforts and led to more damage. The earthquake was so powerful it was felt in the neighboring countries of India, Bangladesh and Tibet. It caused an avalanche on Mt. Everest that killed at least 17 people.

A Utah Father and Daughter, hiking Everest at the time, have been separated, but both are reportedly safe. Get that story here.

How you can help: The Nepal Red Cross Society is the epicenter of the relief efforts and is a direct way to help the people of Nepal. Here is its online donation link; please note that their website connectivity is on and off, so you might not be able to get through. The American Red Cross is working with the Nepal Red Cross to coordinate additional support. You can help by selecting Nepal Earthquake Relief on their donation page.


Nibley Water Still NOT Safe to Drink

Nibley’s do not drink order is still in effect Sunday as the city works to make its water supply potable. Nibley city crews continue to flush out the water system and workers may need to close valves on the water main throughout Sunday. Nibley officials are warning residents that they may be without water on and off throughout the day. Residents have been under the order since Wednesday when diesel fuel was found in a city spring.


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