Getting Revenge Instantly Puts You in a Better Mood
I’m not sure this study sends a very good message, but on the other hand, it DOES make me feel better about being such an a-hole to everyone all the time.
A new study found that when you get REVENGE on someone, it instantly puts you in a better mood. In fact, it’s one of the best methods to switch from a bad mood to a good one.
And just to make it even worse, the researchers found you don’t even need to get revenge on the person who wronged you to feel better.
If you take out your aggression and anger on someone else, it’ll still make you happier. Yay?
The Average Woman Spends $8 a Day on Her Face
Women still only make about 80 cents on the dollar compared to men. And they also have to absorb THIS extra expense.
Researchers recently talked to more than 3,000 women in the U.S., and found the average woman spends $8 a day just on her FACE . . . $5 worth of skincare products, and $3 worth of make-up.
If you do your face up seven days a week, that’s just over $2,900 a year.
Women in New York, Connecticut, and West Virginia spend the most, at $11 a day. Women in Montana spend the least at $3.50. Then it’s Utah at $4.50, and Colorado, New Mexico, and Maine at $5 a day. (See the top ten and bottom ten here.)They also found women spend 10 minutes on their face each morning, and use 16 different products. One-third said they wouldn’t leave the house if they couldn’t wear foundation.
Women in California do their face the fastest, at 3 minutes. Women in New York are the slowest, at 21 minutes. Then it takes an average of 7 minutes to wash it all off and moisturize at night.
Women in Delaware spend the most on lipstick at $30 a year. Women in South Carolina spend the most on foundation with $45 a year. And women in Alaska spend the most on moisturizer . . . $47 a year.
Star Wars: The Last Jedi footage reveals Luke’s first words to Rey
According to Los Angeles Times reporter Daniel Miller, who tweeted out some movie morsels, the footage featured Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) asking Rey (Daisy Ridley), “Who are you?” before the prospective padawan “deftly” handles a lightsaber.