Jon And Chantel

Here’s Why Wendy’s Is The Only Fast Food Chain With Baked Potatoes

Virtually every fast food restaurant has potatoes on their menu. Yet they’re all done the same way: French fried. But at Wendy’s, you have two choices.

The burger chain serves one million baked potatoes every week, and they don’t skimp out. Each potato weighs in at about 11.5 ounces before adding toppings, according to Thrillist.

But why is Wendy’s the only ones serving them up? Turns out it’s pretty expensive to bake potatoes in a fast food kitchen.

Lori Estrada, Wendy’s Vice President of Culinary Innovation, says the chain bakes their potatoes in an oven for an hour just like we would at home and the equipment isn’t cheap. Since Wendy’s already has the corner on that market, hardly anyone is willing to challenge them.

Read more about their winning recipe here!

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