
Stupid Is, Stupid Does

A Robber Ran From the Cops and Hopped a Fence, the White House Fence

I always thought the dumbest place a criminal could hide when they’re running from the cops was a police station. But this guy found one that’s even dumber. A guy robbed a building in Washington D.C. yesterday, and took off running from the cops. About a block later, he tried to get away by hopping a fence. The White House fence. Obviously he did not get away, the Secret Service quickly swarmed and took him down. President Obama was actually in the White House at the time, so the entire place had to be locked down until they made sure the guy wasn’t a threat. His name and the charges he’s facing haven’t been released, but he was handed over to the police. Get more here.

A Guy Showed Up Drunk to an Interview For a Driving Job

Ryan William Dickson, 39 of Des Moines Iowa, really needed a job. So when he got an interview with a taxi company he must have been stoked! So stoked he went drinking, till 2am. And drank way beyond the point of inebriation, he drank so much he had to be hospitalized. He had his stomach pumped and he was released.  So to celebrate living through the ordeal, he started drinking again. But he didn’t want to miss his interview, so he hopped in the car and drove to it. Somehow he arrived safely, but parking was proving too much for his drunken brain. He hit 2 cars while trying to maneuver into a spot, and an employee happen to see this. She knew something was up, so she called police. When police arrived and started questioning him, he denied drinking, but was clearly intoxicated. He failed all field sobriety tests, and blew a .273, three times the legal limit, after that he admitted to drinking. He was arrested for DWI and we assume he didn’t get the job. Get more here.

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