Utah Couple Charged $39.35 to Hold Their Newborn
The story has gone viral, a couple received their invoice from the hospital after the birth of their son. While looking over the list of charges new father Ryan Grassley noticed something strange: “Skin to Skin after C-Section …$39.35.” Ryan was dumbfounded, he was being charged for holding his own newborn? He posted the bill to Reddit because he thought it was so ridiculous and funny. The pic soon went viral and the hospital explained. They say the charge isn’t actually for holding their baby, it’s for the extra nurse required in the OR to make that happen. So why not just list that? Well, our healthcare system is a mess, that’s why. Ryan never complained, he said the hospital staff was wonderful, he just thought the charge was funny. He even set up a faux GoFundMe account to help “raise money” to cover the fee. Get more here.
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