
Stupid Is, Stupid Does

A Guy Thinks He’s Hearing Ghosts, Turns Out It’s a Naked Man Hiding in His Chimney

A guy named Brad Sapp owns a recycling business in Carroll, Iowa. And earlier this week he was sorting some cans when he heard someone whisper, quote, “Get out of here.” So he told his wife Carrie he’d heard a ghost. And she made fun of him, until she heard it too. She was working at the business a few hours later when she heard a voice screaming for help. Because it turns out the ghost was a 29-year-old guy named Jordan Kajewski who was stuck in the chimney. And when the fire department managed to get him out, he was totally naked. He said he was playing hide-and-seek and got stuck in there, but that doesn’t really explain where his clothes went. And Brad says he recognized Jordan, because he’d come by three times in the past few weeks to ask for a job. So Brad figured the real reason he went down the chimney was to try to steal some cans. Jordan was arrested for trespassing. Get more here.

A Guy Fell Went to Bed in the Mid-Negotiations with S.W.A.T.

A woman in Fort Myers, FL had to call 911 for a very scary reason, she was having an argument with a armed man. She told them he wasn’t well mentally, and she was very scared. When police arrived to the home, Derrick Walden, the gunman was holding the woman hostage in his apartment. They called in SWAT and a Critical Incident Negotiations Team to negotiate the woman’s release. He finally released the woman, unharmed, but negotiations for his surrender continued. Around midnight Derrick stopped responding to the teams. After a few hours police realized that Derrick had gone to bed. They entered the home without incident and arrested the sleeping man. He was charged with felony battery, misdemeanor battery, domestic violence, possession of a firearm by a convicted felon, and a probation violation. Get more here.

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