Red Lobster’s Sales Are Up 33% Thanks to Beyonce’s R-Rated Shout Out
At first, Red Lobster didn’t seem to know how to respond to the explicit shout-out they get in Beyonce’s new single “Formation”, where she says she takes her man there if he gives it to her good. But, they aren’t complaining. Red Lobster says sales were UP 33% on Sunday, over last year’s Super Bowl Sunday. Also, Red Lobster was mentioned on Twitter 42,000 times in an hour over the weekend, making the company “trend” for the first time in its history. The song was released on Saturday, and while Beyoncé sang a portion of it during the Super Bowl halftime show, she left out the part about Red Lobster. Of course, it’s hard to say how long Red Lobster’s sales spike will continue, but Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. Get more here.
You definitely slay, @Beyonce. Thanks for one heck of a weekend.
— Red Lobster (@redlobster) February 9, 2016
“Cheddar Bey Biscuits” has a nice ring to it, don’t you think? #Formation @Beyonce — Red Lobster (@redlobster) February 7, 2016
Here’s the video for Formation, it’s the “clean” version, but it’s still not PG…
The Oscars Are Putting Scrolling Text Onscreen to Cut Down Acceptance Speeches
Diversity may still be an issue at the Oscars, but they’re taking steps to solve one of their other problems: Long, boring acceptance speeches. The plan was laid out Monday at the annual Oscar nominees’ luncheon. Nominees were required to submit a list of people they’d like to thank if they win. And those names will scroll across the bottom of the screen during each winner’s acceptance speech, so they don’t have to spend all night thanking everyone. The hope is that speeches will be more interesting and heartfelt, rather than just laundry lists of names no one outside of Hollywood has ever heard of. But don’t be surprised if a lot of nominees just thank those people anyway. Get more here.
Oscars producers announcing a “bottom of frame” slot for thank yous for winners. Kind of brilliant. #OscarsLunch
— Adam B. Vary (@adambvary) February 8, 2016
This Year’s “Sports Illustrated” Swimsuit Issue Features Plus Size Model Ashley Graham and a 56-Year-Old
Last year, plus size model Ashley Graham was in the “Sports Illustrated” Swimsuit Issue, but only in an ad for the company Swimsuits for All. But this year, “SI” is actually featuring her in the issue, as part of their “rookie” class. In a very sexy Instagram post, she says, quote, “This is a dream come true. Thank you to everyone who stood up for curves . . . our voices were heard and together we can help me win Rookie of the Year.”
Ashley will also be in another ad for Swimsuits for All. She’ll be joined by a plus size model named Philomena Kwao, and a 56-year-old minx named Nicola Griffin, the oldest woman to ever appear in the Swimsuit Issue. Get more here.
This is how we #SwimSexy. @swimsuitsforall @theashleygraham @nicolajgriffin A video posted by Philomena Kwao (@philomenakwao) on