
Stupid Is, Stupid Does

A Couple on Drugs Called 911 to Report Possums in Their Microwave

32-year-old Brandon Terry and his 28-year-old girlfriend Casey Fowler recently moved across the border from North Carolina, to Spartanburg, South Carolina. Probably to get a fresh start, since Brandon has had some trouble with the law. Let’s just say it’s not going too well. Because they got super high on Saturday night, and called the police five times to report possums and people jumping out of their fridge and microwave. And when a cop showed up to check on them, Brandon and Casey showed him some evidence. They said they had pictures of worms coming out of the floor of their car, and photos of midgets in camouflage. According to the cop, quote, “I then looked at several of the pictures, which just showed a basketball goal and a tree.” Brandon and Casey denied they were on drugs but the police think they might have been hallucinating after doing a synthetic drug called flakka, that’s kind of like bath salts. They were both busted for misusing 911 though. And Brandon had six outstanding warrants in North Carolina for drugs. Get more here.

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