
Stupid Is, Stupid Does

A Woman Tried to Kill Her Husband Because of an Argument Over Who Should Rake the Leaves

No one likes raking leaves. It feels pointless, right? If you just hold out a few weeks, the snow will cover them anyway. Besides, they don’t look I bad covering your lawn, they actually look kinda nice. So, welcome to our first leaf rage  incident of the year. A couple in Argentine Township, Michigan got into a drunk argument on Saturday over who was going to rake the leaves. And it got physical. Someone saw them and called the cops, and when the police showed up, they saw the guy standing in the driveway,  and his wife trying to run him over with her car. She was arrested for felony assault. There’s no word if the leaves ever got raked. Get more here.

Stoned Giants Fan Attempts to Burn $26,000 Buccaneers Flag

Daniel Raboni is a huge Giants fan and he was all sorts of riled up after his team beat the Buccaneers on Sunday. For some reason he thought setting fire to an 80-by-50 foot Buccaneers flag was a good way to celebrate. The flag hangs outside the Buc’s corporate offices, it’s worth $26,000, and it’s also fire-retardant and suffered only a few singes. He was arrested for criminal mischief and marijuana possession. It appears he was so impared, that his mug shot was taken while he was passed out on the floor of the police station. Get more here.


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