
Stupid Is, Stupid Does

A Guy Didn’t Want to Drive Drunk, So He Went Barhopping in a Golf Cart and Got Arrested

A Pennsylvania man went barhopping and got completely hammered. He knew he was too drunk to drive, so he decided to ride around in a golf cart  instead of his car. Unfortunately, he almost hit a cop car head-on while he was driving around. When the cop stopped him, he realized the man was drunk.  When he asked what the golf cart was all about, the guy explained that he was trying to be responsible. In other words, he was trying to do the right thing, but he’s just stupid. Get the full story here.

Guy Throws a Snake at Tim Horton’s Employees Over Diced Onions

Two men engaged in a heated debate this morning with a worker at the restaurant over sandwich toppings. They wanted diced onions, and the restaurant does not dice its onions. As the argument escalated, one of the men reached into the pocket of his friend’s coat, pulled out a live snake and threw it behind the counter. Staff members fled the store in fear. “Obviously, [the workers] were very frightened,” said police spokeswoman Alyson Edwards. “There was quite a lot of screaming going on.” The men face charges of mischief and causing a disturbance. Get the full story here.


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